Insight Resources
Insight is the UNC data analytics platform, including visualizations of UNC Data Mart and third party data. Email for support if you have trouble accessing any of these resources, or would like to suggest additions or updates.
Category | Resource | Description | UNC System Login Required |
Home | Insight landing page | Navigate to the Insight landing page, similar to clicking Home at the top of this page | |
General | Insight 101 intro video | Introductory video that explains Insight's purpose, components, users, and how to get involved in the community. Suitable for all audiences, and targeted at new users. | |
Dataset Contents | Available Datasets | List and description of data sets in the Insight platform. Includes UNC reporting datasets and IPEDS views created by HelioCampus for use in Tableau or other reporting tools. | |
How To | Insight User Guide | Comprehensive user manual for accessing, administering, and using Insight. | |
How To | Getting Started with Level 2 | Guidance and instructions for an institution to get started with Insight Level 2 | |
General | UNC Data Ecosystem as PDF or as Powerpoint Show | Diagram of the UNC Data Ecosystem including ERP, Data Marts, SAS, Insight, BI Tools, and websites, as Adobe PDF. The first slide builds using animation, which you can view better via this Powerpoint Show version when you open it with Powerpoint, or with Google Slides. | |
General | Insight Product Brochure | One page, printable, color brochure of the Insight capabilities and access options: Level 1, 2 and 3. | |
General | Insight Consulting Services Brochure | One page, printable, color brochure of the billable consulting services available which are the strategic, data analytics services offered by HelioCampus to higher ed institutions. This is merely a sample of prior engagements with clients, and also demonstrates the art of the possible. HelioCampus is very flexible, and can customize projects and technical skills to your needs. Although this is considered Insight Level 3, your institution does not have to be at Level 2 to use these services. | |
Monthly Call | Recurring meeting invitation | The community meets the 2nd Fridays of the month at 10. Open/import this calendar invitation (.ics iCal file) to add the CY 2024 monthly community calls to your calendar. These calls are open to any interested UNC participant including employees of any university, NCSSM, or the system office. | |
Monthly Call | Web conference call link | Monthly community web conference call link for CY 2024. | |
Monthly Call | Meeting agenda and notes | Meeting agenda and notes, including agendas for upcoming calls, links to join the web conference call, and notes and replays of previous calls. The resource link uses Sharepoint. If you prefer the Teams app, navigate using the Monthly Call Agenda and Notes menu item at the top of the General channel. | |
Communication | Insight Email List | Subscribe to the Insight email distribution list to receive updates or interact with the community. | |
Communication | Insight collaboration space | Engage and collaborate with the Insight user and support community on a range of topics and projects in dedicated, online chat room/forum in Microsoft Teams | |
Communication | Did You Know? | Read the Did You Know? news flashes highlighting new dashboards, other new content, infrastructure or data science features, how-to info, answers to frequently asked questions, and more | |
Presentations | Predictive Modeling project with a campus example | Video of HelioCampus' approach to a predictive modeling project, and a campus example: a student persistence risk scoring model in use to activate student advising at NC A&T. This is an example of an Insight Level 3 services project. *** This is for UNC System use only. Do not distribute! *** | |
Roadmap | Roadmap | Roadmap items of data dashboards or infrastructure, by status | |
Tableau | Tableau Resources | Tableau How-To and Training Resources | |
Support | Get support for these resources via email or via web browser | If you have any issue accessing these resources, or you'd like to suggest changes or additions, email which will open a trackable ticket with Insight support and begin an email dialog with the support team. You can view tickets you've opened here, as well as interact with them using a browser: | For ticket system website |
Support - Access | IP Checker tool | Often Insight access issues arise because your originating IP network address is not registered to use Insight. Check it, and see tips for resolving access issues, using the IP Checker tool |
A one-time invitation is required to access the UNC System Microsoft environment and available Sharepoint files. Email for access.
To receive email updates on Insight, email with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
Have a question? Email with questions or comments.