Insight Resources

Insight is the UNC data analytics platform, including visualizations of UNC Data Mart and third party data. Email for support if you have trouble accessing any of these resources, or would like to suggest additions or updates.

CategoryResourceDescriptionUNC System Login Required
Monthly CallMeeting agenda and notesMeeting agenda and notes, including agendas for upcoming calls, links to join the web conference call, and notes and replays of previous calls. The resource link uses Sharepoint. If you prefer the Teams app, navigate using the Monthly Call Agenda and Notes menu item at the top of the General channel.

PresentationsPredictive Modeling project with a campus exampleVideo of HelioCampus' approach to a predictive modeling project, and a campus example: a student persistence risk scoring model in use to activate student advising at NC A&T. This is an example of an Insight Level 3 services project. *** This is for UNC System use only. Do not distribute! ***

A one-time invitation is required to access the UNC System Microsoft environment and available Sharepoint files. Email for access.
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