UNC Student Data Mart (SDM) presents student, course, instructor and related data for the UNC System.  Data is supplied by constituent institutions.  The data collected supports not only mandatory education reporting requirements but also planning, analysis, and assessment efforts at the central (System Office) and campus levels.

CategoryResourceDescriptionUNC System Login Required
Agenda and NotesSDM Monthly Call Agenda and NotesAgenda and Notes for Monthly Calls
Monthly CallMonthly Call Link
Monthly Call Calendar Invite
First Fridays of the month at 10AM.
SDM LoginSDM LoginLink to the Student Data Mart. The Dictionary is available without a login. Other features require permission from a member of the campus SDM team with permission to grant access to others.
SDM Email listEmail subscription pageManage your subscription to the SDM System Updates email distribution list
SDM Data DictionarySDM Data DictionaryData dictionary by category and field.
SDM User GuideSDM User GuideSDM User Guide
SDM Data Feeds and DatasetsData Feeds and DatasetsData feeds are supplied to the SDM from the campus in Snapshots. One or many data feeds are joined to form reporting datasets.
SDM Upcoming Release ChangesSDM Code Changes PublicPlanned changes for the upcoming release.
SDM CalendarSDM Release Schedulekey dates for release to QA and Production
SDM CalendarSDM Snapshot and Code Release ScheduleSDM Snapshot and Code Release Schedule
SDM / IR CalendarUNC IR Reporting CalendarUNC IR Reporting Calendar Aligned with SDM Snapshots
SDM RoadmapSDM RoadmapEnhancements requested or planned for the Student Data Mart future releases. Click here to suggest something for the Roadmap.
SDM 101SDM 101Video introduction to Student Data Mart.
SDM White PaperSDM White PaperStudent Data Mart (SDM) White Paper - How 16 Universities Built a Data Warehouse
SDM DocumentsSDM Document LibrarySystem and process document library.

A one-time invitation is required to access the UNC System Microsoft environment and available Sharepoint files. Click Here

To receive email updates on SDM, email sdm-system-updates-request@lists.northcarolina.edu with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Have a question? Email sdm@northcarolina.edu with questions or comments.