Please see the following updates:

Save The Date:

June Network Meeting – Thursday, June 27 – 1:00 to 4:00 pm via webinar. Will send you a separate calendar invite with the details. I expect to have someone from TSERS join this meeting to discuss the new changes to the LEO retirement and lump sum separation buyouts.

August Network Meeting – Wednesday, August 28, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the TIAA Facility in Charlotte. Mark your calendar and I will send you meeting materials closer to the date.

The Standard:

We have been working with The Standard on developing LTD FAQs for both the employees and benefit administrators. The documents will be posted on our website but are included below for your reference:

FAQ – LTD – The University of North Carolina – Employee Version

FAQ – LTD – The University of North Carolina – Campus Benefit Administrator Version

Single Sign-On (SSO) with BenefitFocus

I just wanted to include a reminder to make sure all of your new/existing employee materials and websites have been updated to include information about SSO. BenefifFocus will be turning all universities to SSO only the week of June 24, which means that after this change has been made, your employees will only be allowed to log in with their SSO credentials.

Sent to the Benefits Network with copy to HR Council by Ashley Nicklis