We have been discussing potential upward adjustments to the SHRA Career Banding market rates and salary range maximums for several months. For the time being, the Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) has decided not to grant our request to implement these salary range adjustments in light of the Mercer compensation study that is underway. Therefore, the career banding salary ranges will remain unchanged from Fiscal Year 2018-2019.

However, we were able to obtain added flexibility from OSHR with respect to the criteria for granting SHRA labor market salary adjustments. Presently, such adjustments may only be granted up to 100% of the defined market index rate. Effective immediately, institutions have the discretion to propose SHRA labor market salary adjustments up to 110% of the defined market reference rate on a case-by-case basis when appropriately justified and with the approval of the institution’s chief human resources officer. This may be accomplished without further approval by System Office Human Resources, unless some other salary pre-approval threshold is applicable.

If you have any questions regarding this change, you can may contact Jessica Moore or Keith Dupuis in System Office Human Resources.