by Quita H. Loflin | Oct 11, 2021 | Round of Applause Awards
Rhonda and Preksha have done a fantastic job of handling an avalanche of accounting help tickets for ACH returns and returned checks over the past couple of weeks. SEAA is very appreciative of their diligent efforts to help with these problem transactions and I am... by Kathy W Bryant | Oct 8, 2021 | Round of Applause Awards
Fred has been working in the office all the time during pandemic, he has been helping every user. I think he did and is doing a great job. Nominated by Ramdan Maarad by Kathy W Bryant | Oct 8, 2021 | Round of Applause Awards
Melaina is the epitome of customer service. She has frequent customer contact and I consistently receive positive feedback on her responsiveness and willingness to assist with complex processes and purchasing regulations. She goes the extra mile, whether it’s... by Kathy W Bryant | Jan 22, 2020 | Round of Applause Awards
Alexis went above and beyond to assist me in completing a complicated evaluation report. What initially began with me asking her to assist with just one quick thing on a graph turned into her spending several hours creating high quality graphs and charts for the... by Kathy W Bryant | Jan 22, 2020 | Round of Applause Awards
Lisa has been my printing goddess recently. When I’m out of the office, I know she will proactively print off the documents I’ll need when I get back. Having the paperwork ready and waiting saves me time and aggravation since I don’t have to comb... by Kathy W Bryant | Jan 22, 2020 | Round of Applause Awards
Samantha should receive a round of applause award daily for the intangible things she does in our office. She constantly encourages our team to perform to a higher standard, by promoting collaboration, lifting up her colleagues and choosing the exact path to follow....