Catherine is a wonderful colleague with tremendous patience and kindness. She has provided steady support to the military affairs team over several years. Alongside her data analytics/EDO colleagues, Catherine has been a critical partner in understanding and refining our complex datasets around UNC System military affiliated students. Catherine currently is supporting data needs for the UNC Military Equivalency System (MES), including as a key contributor to our pilot project with the American Council on Education. Her keen eye and willingness to dig deep into the nature and meaning of our various datasets is helping us to evolve our approaches to improving and expanding the MES, and more broadly to improving outcomes for our 22,000 and growing military affiliated student population. Catherine takes the time to explore, educate, and collaborate with our team every step of the way. Because of Catherine and other EDO/D&A colleagues, we have come a long way from where we started when we began tracking military affiliated students in 2016!

Nominated by Kathie Sidner