North Carolina agencies and organizations offer several dashboards that provide public access to educational data. These resources measure progress toward educational goals, provide access to the information needed to enhance institutional effectiveness and program improvement, and examine the financial implications of educational choices, empowering policymakers, educators, students, and parents to make informed decisions.


This statewide nonprofit organization focused on educational attainment created dashboards to track North Carolina’s progress toward its goal of having 2 million residents aged 25-44 with a postsecondary degree or credential by 2030. The dashboards provide metrics on Academic Readiness, College & Career Access, Postsecondary Completion, and Workforce Alignment, with a summary overview of All North Carolina Performance Indicators.

North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS)

The North Carolina Community College System Office created dashboards that allow users to explore and interact with NCCCS data by theme. The dashboard themes include Access, Student Program and Course Enrollment, FTE, State Performance Measures, Curriculum Student Progress and Success, Transfer and Employment Outcomes, Basic Skills/College and Career Readiness (CCR), High School Dual Enrollment, CTE Perkins V, and Faculty and Staff Data.

NC Strategic Dashboard Monitoring Tool

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI) created this tool to display information at the State, district, and school level on educational opportunities, student performance, teacher qualifications, resource allocation and more. The dashboards can be used to track progress toward achieving the State’s educational goals: Eliminate Opportunity Gaps, Improve School and District Performance, and Increase Educator Preparedness.

NC Tower

The North Carolina Department of Commerce created dashboards to explore the data behind education choices and their financial outcomes. The data available includes a School or Program Outcomes dashboard showing post-graduation enrollment, employment, and wage data for students attending North Carolina public institutions, a Report Builder so you can create a custom report with NC Tower data, and access to download the NC Tower datasets for a deeper dive into the data.