Employee Relations
View the links below for information on performance management, disciplinary and grievance processes, and administrative leave programs.
Performance Management
- 300.2.1 Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act
- 300.2.5[G] Guideline on Interpreting General Statute § 126-5(c1) (8): Instructional Research and Public Service Staff Exempt from the State Human Resources Act
- 300.3.1[R] Regulation on Delegation of Responsibility for Classification and Compensation of SHRA Personnel to Constituent Institutions
- 300.3.3[G] Guidance on the Student-Employee Exclusion from the State Human Resources Act
- System Office PM QRCs
- Guide to Institutional Goals (detailed descriptions) - rev. 2-17-2025
- Guide to Writing Individual Goals
- Overview of Performance Management Policy (1-page)
- PM Ratings Calculator
- Three-Point Rating Scale (detailed description)
- Sample Individual Goals and Supervisor Appraisal Comments
- Managing Employees During Probationary Period
- Probationary Performance Notice (PPN) Template Outline
Disciplinary and Grievance Processes
SHRA Policies
SHRA Disciplinary Letter Templates
EHRA Non-faculty Policies and Forms
Discontinuation of at-will appointments and EHRA non-faculty grievance rights are covered in Section 300.1.1 (II.A. and III.B.) of the UNC Policy Manual for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers and Section 300.2.1 (III., IV., V., and VI.) of the UNC Policy Manual for EHRA non-faculty instructional, research, and information technology professionals.