Back-to-school season is undeniably a hectic time. From buying new school supplies to packing lunches and keeping the family organized, it is easy for our schedules to get jam-packed. To manage stress before it starts, it can help to create a rhythm that allows your family to operate with less pressure and more ease.

Not sure how to go about that? We came up with a few reflection questions, so you start contemplating how to approach the upcoming season. Pro tip: Remember to be S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) with your goals. Ask yourself:

  • What organization systems worked well last year? What didn’t go as planned?
  • How would you like to approach the season this year? Jot down a few goals.

No matter the approach, as long as you’re mindful, a little prep can go a long way.

Ginger resources*:

To get started with Ginger today:

  1. Download the Ginger Emotional Support app.*
  2. In the app, tap “Create account” then “My Organization”
  3. Follow the instructions, and you’re all set!

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*Note that in-app activities can only be accessed via your smartphone