This is a reminder that the Spring Holiday, which would be observed on Friday, April 7, is now designated as a floating holiday for System Office staff. The System Office will be open on April 7.

We have had several questions about how to administer the floating holiday. Therefore, we are providing more detailed information on this topic to clarify how to administer the codes. The System Office has designated the state-recognized Good Friday holiday, which will be observed this year on Friday, April 7, as an optional floating holiday for staff to use any day they choose, subject to their manager’s approval. Although the System Office will be open on Friday, April 7, employees may request through management to use their floating holiday on that day.

Floating holidays are not automatically pre-populated in TIM as other state holidays are. Therefore, managers who have approved an employee to use their floating holiday on Friday, April 7, will need to do one of the following to ensure the time is correctly recorded in TIM:

  • Managers can manually enter eight hours under the “Holiday” pay code in TIM before approving the employee’s timecard.


  • Managers can simply email Kyiah Telfair, System Office Payroll, Leave, and TIM Administrator, to request that she adjust the employee’s timesheet with the holiday used on April 7th.

When managers approve their employees to use their floating holiday on any day other than Friday, April 7, they will need to do one of the following to ensure the TIM entry is correctly coded:

  • Managers can manually enter eight hours under the “Alternate Holiday” pay code in TIM before approving the employee’s timecard.


  • Managers can email Kyiah Telfair with the day they have approved their employee to use their floating holiday, and she will adjust the employee’s timesheet.

It is important to know that the TIM system is configured only to allow managers the ability to code the floating holiday. Please know that employees must use the floating holiday during the same calendar year, or it is lost, and they cannot be compensated for it.

By law, state/university employees receive 12 paid holidays per year. The University System may adopt alternative holiday schedules for operational needs, including 11 scheduled holidays and one floating holiday. For your information, state/university employees may also use an additional eight hours of Personal Observance Leave each year. For more information on the System Office holiday schedule for 2023 and other leave programs available to System Office staff, visit the System Office HR website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Christina Hawkins, System Office HR Director, via email at or call at (919) 843-7377.

Professional regards,

Darryl Bass
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer