We were notified this morning of an Executive Order from the Governor to be issued this afternoon that conveys a new paid parental leave benefit to employees of State Government executive agencies – these agencies are departments that report directly to the Governor and does not include the University System. This was the first we heard of this initiative, and we are not aware yet of any of the procedural details.

Since I know many of you will hear about this in the news media, I wanted to alert you to this as soon as we became aware of it. Please know that the University will carefully review this new Executive Order and the procedural details that we expect will follow from the Office of State Human Resources; however, without further information from OSHR, I don’t have anything further to share at this time.

I fully appreciate the interest this will generate from our University employees and want to assure you that we will closely track this issue and keep everyone informed.

Sent from Matt Brody