We wanted to make you aware of some changes to our University SHRA Grievance Policy. Most of these changes are procedural and have been made to maintain alignment with revisions to the Office of State Human Resources’ grievance policy for SHRA employees. The new policy, which is available here, is effective April 1.

The changes are provided below:

  • National Guard preference has been added as a grievable issue at the university level.
  • Clarifying which issues must go through any informal processes before moving to the formal grievance process.
  • Clarifying that grievances that are filed untimely or do not include a defined grievable issue will not proceed through the formal process.
  • Expanding the timeframe for EEO informal inquiries in cases of alleged discrimination, harassment, or retaliation from 60 calendar days to 90 calendar days.
  • Noting that employees must file a formal grievance request within 15 days of the alleged event or within 15 days of receiving a response to an informal process.
  • Clarifying that no recordings can be made of the Step 1 mediation process and that no recordings can be made in the Step 2 hearing process unless authorized by the respective chancellor or president or their designee.
  • As provided by NC General Statute 126-5(c16), University EHRA law enforcement officers retain their rights to due process under the SHRA policies and have been added to the University’s SHRA policy.

If you have questions about these changes or the SHRA grievance policy in general, please contact Christina Hawkins, System Office Human Resources Director, via email at cchawkins@northcarolina.edu or at (919) 843-7377.

Thanks to each of you for the value you add to the System Office.

Make it a great day!

Professional regards,

Darryl Bass
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer