This is a reminder to all institutions who began implementing in fiscal year 2018-2019 the conversion of FLSA-exempt SHRA IT employees to new EHRA job classifications. As was outlined at the beginning of this process, all constituent institutions are required to complete and submit to the System Office each fiscal year an employee election summary report documenting the conversion of employees to EHRA IT professional status at their institution. Attached you will find a template for reporting those employees who converted during fiscal year 2018-2019. Please complete and return the form no later than Tuesday, July 30.

Since Matt’s original memo went out last August, the IT Exemption Implementation resources have been moved from the UNC System Office HR Classification and Compensation Page to the Comp Network Page, so the links in the original email no longer work. Here are the new links to the resources should you need them:

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Sent from Eric Hunsley