As you know, we are responsible for ensuring that our required workplace postings are up-to-date and available to all. I have attached an updated version of the required posters with links to electronic versions in case it is helpful for you. Please ensure that postings throughout your campus are updated as needed. According to the US Department of Labor, workplace posters must be displayed or posted in conspicuous places where they are easily visible by all employees.

Posters containing all State and Federal posting requirements are available from multiple vendors, and purchasing an all-in-one poster is a convenient way to stay in compliance with federal and state posting requirements. In addition, you can request free NC labor law posters directly from the NC Department of Labor, and download federal labor law posters from the US Department of Labor’s website. Download information is available on the attachment.

While it is not included with these notices, each institution is also required to notify members of the university community of their rights under Title IX. Most, if not all, of you accomplish this with an email notice at the beginning of each academic year. I wanted to note this, though, since it is in line with these other required notices.

Please let me know if you have questions.

Sent from Kathy Bryant