UNC System Policies for EHRA Employees
Policies for employees who are exempt from N.C.G.S. 126 (the North Carolina Human Resources Act) are called “EHRA” employees (“Exempt” from the HR Act). This includes university faculty and EHRA non-faculty staff. Policies for EHRA employees are under the authority of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors and are administered by the UNC System Office. All Board policies are available in the UNC Policy Manual. The links provided in the sections below are specifically related to human resources policies in the Manual.
Each UNC constituent institution has limited authority to develop policies and procedures, consistent with these policies, that are specific to their institution.
See Also:
Key Policies by EHRA Employee Type
Human resources policies for employees exempt from the North Carolina Human Resources Act (EHRA employees) are maintained in the UNC Policy Manual. Most personnel policies are included in Chapter 300 of the Manual. For your convenience, direct links to specific EHRA policies are listed below.
President's Authority and Management Flexibility
- Management Flexibility for EHRA HR Actions (257)
HR Policies for Faculty
HR Policies for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers
- SAAO Core Policy (270)
Employment Policies Specific to Senior Officers
- SAAO-Specific HR Policies (171)
- 200.4 Assessment Process for the Chief Executive and Governing Boards of The University of North Carolina
- 200.4.2[G] Guidance for Fourth Year Comprehensive Performance Review of the Chancellor
- 200.8 Policy on Chancellor Searches; Board of Governors Participation
- 300.1.2 Evaluation of Positions for Designation As Senior Academic and Administrative Officer
- 300.1.5 Occupation of Official Residences of the Chancellors and the President
- 300.1.6 Policy on Administrative Separation and/or Retreat to a Faculty Position
- 300.1.6[R] Regulation on Administrative Separation
- 300.1.6.1 Policy on Administrative Separation
- 300.1.6.2 Administrative Separation of the President and Chancellors
External Professional Activity and Deferred Compensation for Senior Officers
HR Policies for EHRA Non-faculty Instructional, Research, and Information Technology Staff
- Instructional Research Information Technology (162)
- 300.2.1 Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act
- 300.2.5[G] Guideline on Interpreting General Statute § 126-5(c1) (8): Instructional Research and Public Service Staff Exempt from the State Human Resources Act
- 300.3.1[R] Regulation on Delegation of Responsibility for Classification and Compensation of SHRA Personnel to Constituent Institutions
- 300.3.3[G] Guidance on the Student-Employee Exclusion from the State Human Resources Act
General Policies for EHRA Employees
Human resources policies for employees exempt from the North Carolina Human Resources Act (EHRA employees) are maintained in the UNC Policy Manual. Most personnel policies are included in Chapter 300 of the Manual. For your convenience, direct links to specific EHRA policies are listed below.
Benefits and Leave Programs
- Benefits Programs (21)
- 300.2.1[R] Regulations on Health Insurance Continuation When A Reduction in Funding Eliminates an EHRA (EPA) Position
- 300.2.9[R] Regulations on Interpreting the Special Annual Leave Bonus Appropriations Act Provisions
- 300.2.15 UNC Pandemic and Communicable Disease Emergency Policy
- 300.7.4 Policy on Offering Roth 403(b) Accounts
- 300.7.1 Optional Retirement Program
- 300.7.1.1[R] Regulations on Enrolling Senior Academic and Administrative Officers in the Optional Retirement Program
- 300.7.1.2[R] Regulations on Expediting Implementation of Guidelines for Offering Optional Retirement Program Enrollment to Senior Academic and Administrative Officers
- Other EHRA Leave (273)
- EHRA Non-Faculty Policy (see Section VII)
- Senior Academic and Administrative Officer (SAAO) Policy (see Section II.D)
- 300.2.9[R] Regulations on Interpreting the Special Annual Leave Bonus Appropriations Act Provisions
- 300.2.15 UNC Pandemic and Communicable Disease Emergency Policy
- 300.2.19[R] Declaration of Condition Levels for Adverse Weather and Emergency Events
Compensation Policies
- Supplemental Pay and Deferred Compensation (266)
- 300.2.13 Supplemental Pay Policy for Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act
- 300.2.14 Non-Salary and Deferred Compensation
- Memo from Darryl Bass: Implementation of Section 300.2.14.2[R] (9/2/22)
- 300.2.14.2[R]: Regulation on Delegated Authorities Regarding Non-Base Salary Compensation for University Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act
Employment Policies
- Employment (219)
Conflicts of Interest and External Professional Activities
- Conflict of Interest and External Professional Activities (148)
Employee Political Activities and State/Federal Relations
- State/Federal Relations and Employee Political Activities (44)
- 300.1.4 Campus State Relations Officers
- 300.1.7[R] Regulation on Contacts with Covered Federal Government Officials
- 300.5.1 Political Activities of Employees
- 300.5.2 Candidacy for Elective Office; Officeholding (Elective and Appointive Public Office)
- 300.3.2[R] Regulations on Establishing Consultative Bodies Representing Staff Employees and Improving SPA Grievance Systems
- Petition Regarding Political Activity
- Candidacy and Public Office Reminders
- Reminders Regarding University Employment and Political Activities
Performance Management and Employee Relations
- Performance Management (169)
- 300.2.18[R] Regulations on Annual Performance Appraisals for Staff Exempt from the North Carolina Human Resources Act (EHRA Non-Faculty)
- 200.4 Assessment Process for the Chief Executive and Governing Boards of The University of North Carolina
- 200.4.2[G] Guidance for Fourth Year Comprehensive Performance Review of the Chancellor