I wanted to make you aware that several institutions have received inquiries from a party by the last name of “Singleton” asking for multiple years of salary history for all permanent employees at their institution. It is possible other institutions may receive a similar inquiry.

After being contacted by Gary Stinnett at UNC-Charlotte, I engaged with our Legal Affairs Team at the System Office and also recommended Gary consult with his General Counsel given this request. Given the likelihood that multiple institutions may be contacted, our Legal Affairs team plans to discuss this with the System General Counsels to determine if there is value in providing some uniform guidance in response to this request, or not.

As in all such cases, I always recommend you consult with your General Counsels on all but routine requests for current employee salaries. I just wanted to make you aware of this potential request and that our Legal colleagues plan to discuss with each other in case you are contacted.

Sent from Matt Brody