The Heat Is On!

Summer begins June 21, but as usual in North Carolina, the season is getting an early start. Are you ready to beat the sweltering summer heat? Did you know that temperature levels at or above 80℉ can cause serious injury or death? It all depends on your level of...

Grow your financial literacy in April

It’s time to improve your money smarts. April is National Financial Literacy Month (NFLM), the perfect time to learn more about managing your financial life. The more informed you are, the greater your chances of financial success. TIAA’s four easy steps to greater...

Financial Spring Cleaning

Whether it’s cleaning out the cobwebs on your beneficiaries or polishing your accounts and budget, taking small steps now will help ensure your current and future financials stay in order. There’s no better time than the present to start your financial spring...

Did Someone Say Free Resources? (Yes!)

CAPTRUST is one of the largest registered investment advisors in the U.S., offering a broad range of services for institutional clients, including higher-education retirement plans, and has been providing such advice on the UNC System’s retirement plans since...

Required Minimum Distribution Changes

IRS regulations dictate that you cannot keep retirement funds in your account indefinitely. You generally have to start taking withdrawals from your 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), IRA, and/or defined contribution retirement plan account(s) when you reach age 70½. However,...