Health and Welfare Benefits

Benefit Plans

State Health Plan Information

NCFLEX Pre-tax Plans

Other Health Plans

North Carolina Medicaid and Health Choice are two state-run programs that may help pay for some or all health care costs for those who have certain health needs and have income and resource limits. is the federal health insurance enrollment program that may be an option for those who are ineligible for participation in the State Health Plan.

Long-Term Care

The University of North Carolina does not currently offer long-term care insurance, but the resources below are available to help you assess your coverage options.

Benefits Enrollment

Each constituent institution, as well as UNC System Office and UNC Healthcare, has links to their enrollment pages here.

Additional Resources

Workers' Compensation

Affordable Care Act Notices

Benefits at a Glance

New Employee?

Watch a video that outlines your various benefit choices. 

Thinking about Retiring?

Check out the UNC Retirement Planning Guide.

Did you Know?

The UNC System offers hundreds of online degree programs. 

Need Confidential Help?

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available for free and confidential consultation about work or personal/family issues.