by Kathy W Bryant | Nov 21, 2019 | Employee Relations, HR Council
Yesterday, OSHR released a draft revision of the state workplace violence policy to the agency HR Directors for review and comment. OSHR is intending to take the policy to the February 6 State Human Resources Commission meeting and have asked for agency/university... by Kathy W Bryant | Nov 12, 2019 | Employee Relations, HR Council
As you know, shortly after we launched the Adverse Weather and Emergency Events policy in January 2016, interim president Junius Gonzales issued a memo in February 2016 setting the requirement that constituent institutions must request use of Condition 3 through the... by Kathy W Bryant | Oct 25, 2019 | Classification & Compensation, HR Council, Legislative Updates
TO: Chief Human Resources Officers, Academic Human Resources Leads I wanted to provide you an important update regarding the temporary freeze on selected salary increase actions that was originally communicated in my memorandum dated July 3,... by Kathy W Bryant | Oct 8, 2019 | Classification & Compensation, HR Council
Chief HR Officers, Below and attached are for your information. Dear Directors of Institutional Research, Please find attached a memo with information about a new Faculty Salary Analysis Tool. We are requesting that you preview the tool and provide feedback by Monday,... by Kathy W Bryant | Sep 30, 2019 | HR Council
Please see the message below from OSHR regarding Governor Cooper’s proclamation of Sept. 15-Oct. 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month. Please communicate to your faculty and staff as appropriate. Governor Cooper signed a proclamation declaring September 15 to October 15,... by Kathy W Bryant | Sep 24, 2019 | Classification & Compensation, HR Council
Please see below email from CUPA on the DOL’s new overtime rule. This rule changes the salary threshold that an incumbent must earn in the position to be considered FLSA exempt. The salary that must be met has increased from $23,660 to $35,568. It appears that we...