1. Realize your anxiety about finances is normal. If you worry about money, you’re not alone. In recent years, many people have experienced increased stress around finances, especially during periods of uncertainty.
  2. Practice mindfulness. Use mindfulness to slow down, reflect on your financial habits, and face the circumstances at hand.
  3. Consider working with a financial counselor. Speaking to an expert can shine a light on areas of opportunity in your financial approach. Whether it’s making a personalized plan, managing debt, or just getting general money advice, taking steps like these can help you achieve financial wellness.
  4. Prioritize your mental health. Working towards a calm emotional state will better prepare you to make strong financial decisions. Develop a self-care routine (think: movement, mindfulness, meditation, or therapy) so you can address anxiety and regulate your mood.
  5. Find financial inspiration. No matter your financial situation, remember there is a path forward. Researching financial mentors that share advice about overcoming financial obstacles, reading books about financial literacy, and using a budgeting app are all fruitful ways to find peace of mind.

Article provided by Ginger. For additional resources available for mental and emotional health, contact your Benefits team to check for any available programs or support including Ginger or your Employee Assistance Program.