The Daily Admissions dashboards has been revised, and is available in production. Revisions include improvements in accuracy and performance, date handling, visualization of trend lines and a reference line showing the last week when all institutions are reporting data, and additional functional alignment with the recently released Daily Enrollment dashboard. You can analyze the current trends and counts to assess the related health in admissions, and compare to prior academic years. Filters let you slice by term, institution, intended career, college and degree, student type, residency, application status, admission metric, and term start date. You can navigate to the Admissions Daily workbook from the Insight splash screen by clicking the Admissions tile on the top row, logging in with your campus credentials when challenged, then choosing the Admissions Daily workbook, and the Weekly Applications (Preliminary) dashboard.
Weekly Applications dashboard in the Daily Admissions workbook

The dashboard was recently demonstrated during a monthly Insight community call, and the revisions were discussed in more detail. You can view that demo here.

The SDM Application Aggregate dataset is used, which has more daily noise and weekly variation than census data which are used in the majority of the Insight dashboards that you may be used to viewing. Gaps or latent changes can appear at times in the data if a nightly data collection from an institution doesn’t complete properly. The nightly collection and daily updates of the dashboard continue while the Census snapshot is running and remains open. Note also that not all institutions have the same term start date, so when using that filter some institutions’ counts may look low since they won’t all have numbers for all weeks. You can read more data nuances and definitions on the About this Dashboard page.

Enjoy this revised resource for analyzing admissions trends!

The Insight Team

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