Recently several datasets of systemwide interest have been made available in Insight Redshift:

  • HRDM_2023_PDF_CMP_MV with updated HR personnel data systemwide
  • DA_GRADRET has been updated with recent graduation and retention information from UNC institutions
  • DA_BACH_COMPLETERS and DA_GRAD_COMPLETERS updated with 2022-23 undergraduate and graduate degree completions, respectively including financial aid
  • DA_NSC_SUB_ENROLL (click link for dictionary) and DA_NSC_DECLINDED_ADM (click link for dictionary) are new datasets that integrate UNC system student and National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) data to provide information about students’ subsequent enrollments post-UNC institution, or after declining admission to a UNC institution

You can view additional information about these and other Insight Redshift datasets in the datasets list (click link).

Enjoy these enhancements. As always, your feedback is welcome and encouraged via email to

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