Your permissions to Redshift may have changed, and the data mart schemas are changing for a more fine-grained level of access and user permission control. The data mart data will be in one of three schemas, and user permissions can be provisioned to the appropriate schema with the Redshift permissions page. Beginning Nov 13, each data mart will have its own campus schema, so you may need to navigate or change dashboard references to one of the three following schemas to access the data:

  • <campus> are data from the Student Data Mart (SDM). For example, asu is the Redshift schema name for App State’s SDM data.
  • <campus_fin> are data from the Finance Data Mart (FDM). For example, asu_fin is the Redshift schema name for App State’s FDM data.
  • <campus_hr> are data from the Human Resource Data Mart (HRDM). For example, asu_hr is the Redshift schema name for App State’s HRDM data.

The Insight permissions user interface for granting Redshift access has changed to include the data mart flag, along with a new Application/Generic Account flag. This flag signals that account will be used specifically with coding or unattended applications such as automatic data replication or extract, transfer, load (ETL) tools or jobs.

UI for Redshift Permissions

The following objects are now available in the <campus_hr> schema, and accessible for those users that have been granted HR access through the Redshift permission page.


The same objects will be dropped from your <campus> schema on November 13, 2020. If you have any scripts that reference any of the HRDM views in your campus schema, please update them to the new _hr schema. For example, asu.hrdm_basic_employee_mv should be updated to asu_hr.hrdm_basic_employee_mv.  No changes will be made to the SDM or FDM objects.

This change will be discussed during the Insight Monthly Call on Nov. 13th at 11 in case you have any questions. To join the call, open the Insight resources page by clicking this link and typing ‘monthly’ in the search box in the upper right corner, then click the link to add the meeting to your calendar. Or click the other link to view the agenda and meeting notes. Expand the outline and table of contents on the left side, and click on November 13, 2020. Once the meeting is completed, the link to the replay video file will be at the top of the call notes for that day.

Thanks for your interest, The Insight Team

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