Did You Know: datasets are available including the PDF, grad/ret, completers, and NSC
Recently several datasets of systemwide interest have been made available in Insight Redshift: HRDM_2023_PDF_CMP_MV with updated HR personnel data systemwide DA_GRADRET has been updated with recent graduation and retention information from UNC institutions...
Did You Know: Graduation Retention dashboard updated
The Graduation Retention dashboard has been updated, with these enhancements: Data for another UNC institution can be viewed A Remove Allowable Exclusions? filter is provided to adjust the cohort for which rates are calculated Masking of small cohorts has been added...
Did You Know: Military Affiliated metrics added
You can now see application, admittance and enrollment metrics broken out by military affiliation in the Admissions Dashboard's Applicant Mix tab. A person is flagged 'Y' with a US Armed Services military affiliation if they are Services Members, Veterans, or their...
Did You Know: UNC’s IPEDS submission data is in Redshift
The data that UNC submits to IPEDS is now available through Insight in the AWS Redshift environment. There are new tables in the third_party_data schema following the format: ipeds_submissions_{submission file name and year} To assist with blending to existing IPEDS...
Did You Know: Tableau data retained 10 years, Redshift longer
As discussed among the Insight community since June 10th, 2022, Tableau data will be retained for 10 years, rolling. For example, the RLS Applications data extract currently dates back to Summer I 2009. With this change, it will be retained back to Summer I 2013, and...
Did You Know: dictionary info is now linked from the datasets list
The list of available datasets now has links that make it easy to explore dataset and dimension table information from the SDM dictionary. In the UNC Tables tab of the datasets list, you'll find a new Dictionary Link column. Click the Dictionary Link next to an item...
Did You Know: IPEDS data have been enhanced
What is happening? The Insight team will be performing maintenance on the IPEDS tables and views in the third_party_data schema. The goal of this effort is to correct data types that should have been numeric but were originally coded as character fields. The goal is...
Did You Know: Dictionary metadata in Redshift
UNC Data Mart dictionary tables are now available in Insight's Redshift warehouse. These contain metadata about the data elements, column names, data types, definitions, and the datasets containing them, among other information, for each Data Mart. You will find one...
Did You Know: Data Catalog is now available to understand where fields are used
A Data Catalog is now available to any authorized Insight user to assist you in understanding where fields are used among Tableau sites, projects, workbooks, and data sources. You can understand each field's name, role, and whether it's native or calculated. If it's...
Did You Know: New and updated enrollment forecasts are available
As demonstrated during prior calls with the Insight community, new and updated enrollment forecast dashboards are available: One year projections for fall term, using historic aggregate counts which can be filtered by institution, confidence level, under/graduate,...