UNC Code Section 403(b) Program

The University of North Carolina sponsors a system-wide voluntary 403(b) retirement program. TIAA is the only vendor approved to manage the UNC retirement plans’ investment products. You can also learn more about TIAA by watching the “Why TIAA” short video.

Please note: An aggregation of 403(b) and State of North Carolina 401(k) plan contributions must be made if you participate in more than one supplemental plan during a calendar year. For example, if you contribute to the State 401(k) plan in addition to the 403(b) plan, the combined amount of the contribution to both plans cannot exceed the elective deferral plan limit each year. The age 50 catch-up is also a combined amount between these supplemental programs. Contributions to a 457(b) deferred compensation plan are not aggregated with 403(b) or 401(k) plan limits.

403(b) Program Information

Enrollment Process

Complete the Salary Reduction Agreement Form (SRA), print a copy, sign it, and send it to your institution’s HR/Benefits office.

Remember, you must submit the completed SRA to your institution’s HR Benefits office before any contributions can be accepted into your account.

You can enroll in the program and select investments through TIAA.

  • TIAA (select your institution and then ENROLL NOW)

Enrollment Form


Investment Performance

Important Notices

Plan and Legal Documents

Universal Availability Notices

403(b) Archival Information

Transition Documents 2014


Investment Performance

Important Notices

Universal Availability Notices

Plan and Legal Documents

Read the UNC
Retirement Newsletter