Did You Know: IPEDS Comparison dashboard is now available
The IPEDS Comparison dashboard is now available in Insight. You can compare key student metrics reported by US universities to the IPEDS survey among various comparison groups across academic years. Eight dashboards are available: IPEDS Comparison Group - Compare data...
Did You Know: Transfer Courses dashboard is now available
A Transfer Courses dashboard is now available in Insight -- click this link to access the workbook of dashboards. It shows the courses transferred by UNC System students, including sending institution, course characteristics, and the UNC System course for which...
Did You Know: a video is available about predictive modeling including a campus example
Discussions with campuses about each institution's data analytics agenda and journey inevitably raise the topic of predictive modeling. Each campus is progressing from descriptive analytics (what happened, to whom and when, and related fact books, reports, and trend...
Did You Know: Retention and Graduation Dashboard is now in production
A Graduation and Retention Dashboard is now in production in Insight and available to all institutions. It tracks rates of undergraduate retention, graduation, and persistence for bachelor's degree-seeking first-time freshmen and transfer students graduating from a...
Did You Know: using Insight’s network domain name improves user access
Using Insight's network domain name, and avoiding using its addresses, can prevent user access issues. Recently, some network addresses and associated proxies were changed for Insight, related to a data center move to improve service uptime, performance and cost...
Did You Know: Effective 1/31, columns will be dropped from Insight datasets
As mentioned during the previous two monthly Insight community calls on 11/13 and 12/11/2020, some columns will be dropped from the following datasets effective 1/31/2021: • Applications • Career • Completions Student • Credit Awarded • Enrollments • Financial Aid...

Did You Know: Financial Aid dashboard is now available
The Financial Aid dashboard is now available at this link. You can also navigate there from the Insight landing page or the dashboard selector. It includes several views, shown here in the tabs that allow you to select each one: You can explore each dashboard by...
Did You Know: Redshift Schemas and Permissions Are Changing in Insight
Your permissions to Redshift may have changed, and the data mart schemas are changing for a more fine-grained level of access and user permission control. The data mart data will be in one of three schemas, and user permissions can be provisioned to the appropriate...
Did You Know: IPEDS Data – Insight’s an app for that
Needs IPEDS data? Insight’s an app for that. Recent updates are described in this Did You Know post, as well as resources that explain and demonstrate how to use it.
Did You Know: A Revised Daily Admissions Dashboard is Now Available
The Daily Admissions dashboards has been revised, and is available in production. Revisions include improvements in accuracy and performance, date handling, visualization of trend lines and a reference line showing the last week when all institutions are reporting data, and additional functional alignment with the recently released Daily Enrollment dashboard.