Staff Assembly Nominations 2023 – General Election

Our By-laws state that officers of the Assembly, except the Chair, shall be elected by the delegates at the first regular fall meeting of each year. The Chair-Elect will assume the position of Chair upon the election of the other officers. Nominations are now closed and will reopen from the floor of our October meeting.

A full description of the duties and responsibilities, qualifications, and time commitment required for each position are linked below.

Descriptions for Open Positions

Vice Chair

see full description

The Vice Chair shall conduct meetings in the absence of the Chair and shall represent the Assembly in the absence of the Chair. The Vice Chair also serves as the Chair of the Campus Chairs Committee.

see full description

The Secretary is responsible for the official communication of the Executive Committee, Executive and full-body minutes, announcements, and the business of the UNC Staff Assembly and Executive Committee. The Secretary communicates Executive Committee business to delegates and the University staff through appropriate means.

see full description

The Parliamentarian advises the chairperson and delegates on all matters of parliamentary procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and ensures that all meetings are conducted according to the bylaws and procedures. The Parliamentarian also serves on the Governance Committee.

At-Large Delegate (2 positions)
see full description

The At-Large Delegate shall attend all Executive Committee and UNC Staff Assembly meetings and stay abreast of all UNC Staff Assembly activities during his/her term. At-Large Delegates will be assigned by the UNC Staff Assembly Chair to serve on Ad Hoc committee(s) as required for the duration of their term in office.

Additional Non-Elected Positions Available

Chancellor’s Cup Golf Tournament Director


The Staff Assembly Chair and Executive Committee are also seeking a volunteer to serve as Chancellor’s Cup Golf Tournament Director. The role oversees all logistical planning of the tournament, which serves as the largest annual fundraiser for the Janet B. Royster (JBR) Memorial Staff Scholarship Fund. Anyone interested in this vital position can reach out directly to Staff Assembly Chair, Crystal Woods.

Length of Term

All officers serve two years from the date of election or until their successors are elected. The exceptions being Chair-Elect (which is not up for nomination this year), which is the first year of a four-year term including two years as Chair of Staff Assembly and one year as Past Chair.

No officer shall hold more than one office at a time.

Nominations Deadline

Friday, September 29, 2023

Please submit your nominations using the nomination form located below.

After nominations are received, nominees will be asked to submit a brief paragraph or personal statement about themselves and why they want to serve in the indicated position. These statements will be posted on the website for the Assembly body to review before our October meeting.

Individuals being considered for a position on the Staff Assembly must consent and receive approval from their supervisor before a nominee’s name is placed on the ballot by signing and having their supervisor sign the Consent to Serve form.

If you have any questions regarding the nomination process or if you would like more information about any position, please reach out to the Nominations Committee.

Thank you,

UNC Staff Assembly Nominations Committee

Pat Gaddy Matt Horvat Jill Phipps Sophia Ungert Angie Wiggins
Delegate-at-Large & Chair Technology Officer Delegate Delegate Delegate


Nominations accepted through September 29, 2023
Please nominate yourself or a colleague using the nomination form.

Related Documents

Consent To Serve Form