Leading on Literacy
Research Symposium for Teacher Educators
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Conference Information
The UNC System Office’s recent report, Leading on Literacy, identified several opportunities for improvement in the System’s undergraduate teacher preparation programs, particularly in effective literacy instruction. The study also identified several possible ways for the UNC System Office to better support faculty and leaders in teacher preparation more broadly.
One of the System Office’s first actions, recommended in the report, was to work with the study authors and the Educator Preparation Advisory Group to convene this statewide Research Symposium on effective literacy instruction. The Symposium tapped the convening power of the System Office to bring together researchers, experts, and practitioners in literacy instruction; and to help maintain the statewide momentum to improve classroom instruction and P12 students’ literacy achievement.
WHO: Education faculty, particularly those who focus on literacy instruction and intervention; Deans of Educator Preparation Programs across the UNC System; and leaders and practitioners from North Carolina’s P12 public school system
WHEN: Monday, October 15, 2018 – 9am to 4pm
WHERE: The Executive Briefing Center on the SAS Campus – 100 SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC
Convened with generous support from: