Virtual Transfer Fair RegistrationRegistration FormRegistration FormPlease enter the following information to register. An email will be sent to the address you provide prior to the event with additional information. Tell us about yourself: * I am a prospective transfer student I am a student's family member or supporter I am a Transfer Professional (Advisors, Staff Member, etc.) 1. First Name * Last Name * 2. Email Address * Enter Email Confirm 2. Email Address * Confirm Email 3. Phone 4. Date of Birth 5. Please enter the college you are currently attending (if applicable) 6. Please indicate which UNC System school(s) you are interested in learning more about (choose as many as you like or select the "All" option!). : All Universities YesAppalachian State University YesEast Carolina University YesElizabeth City State University YesFayetteville State University YesNorth Carolina Central University YesNorth Carolina A&T State University YesNorth Carolina State University YesUNC Asheville YesUNC-Chapel Hill YesUNC Charlotte YesUNC Greensboro YesUNC Pembroke YesUNC Wilmington YesWestern Carolina University YesWinston-Salem State University YesAdditional Information:7. When do you plan to transfer? * Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026 Not Sure8. Are you currently a dual enrolled high school student? * Yes No9. Are you interested in fully online degree programs? Yes No Maybe 10. Indicate information or questions you would like presenters to address during the UNC Virtual Transfer Fair. Register If you are human, leave this field blank.